anxiety, breathing, skin + bones.

anxiety, breathing, skin + bones.

I have been trying to think of an opening (or an anything) for this blog post because, like usual, I have NO PLAN. I just know I need to find some way to articulate this almost inarticulate state. Perhaps I shall start with writing a poem;

Monsters are not always hairy
With sharp teeth and aching limbs but sometimes 
Almost exciting, comforting 
(For the most part)
And you tell yourself that your monster is just fine. 
(How are you?)
I'm fine, thank you. 
But it's a lie because invisible or not,
Cosy or not, 
A monster is still a monster and it's finding a way to e a t 

My life has been a whirlwind. This is probably incredibly cliche but it is incredibly apt. Everything has happened, collapsed on my fragile brain, flattered my mere skin and bones. And they have been incredible, great things but crushing all the same.

And now I shall try and articulate these things (with a little help from analogies).

1. As most of you know, writing is my thing. It fuels me, excites me, helps me to process, escape and just live. I've never known if my thing has been good enough. Say, for example, you bake a salted caramel rainbow sprinkles jam sponge cake and give it to a group of people whom you know ADORE salted caramel rainbow sprinkles jam sponge cakes.  Obviously, they will say "ah that was so delicious." And then you get braver, riskier, and give the cake to the GBBO judges. You have no idea whether Mary or Paul have even tried a salted caramel rainbow sprinkles jam sponge cake, let alone liked one.

So they taste it... and they don't just like it, they LOVE it and they want  m o r e .

(Substitute the cake with 5 pieces of writing and you have the incredibly EXCITING thing that happened to me last week, after sending my creative writing off to my dream university).

Naturally, you freak out when Mary Berry and Paul like your unique cake. They are industry experts and you think "shit, maybe I'm actually good." And that's when you start re-thinking everything. You want to bake profusely, publish a recipe book, feed the whole world your cakes but you can't because your kitchen is too small and you've run out of ingredients.

2. On November 24th, I turned 18. The night before my 18th birthday I couldn't sleep. My heart was proliferating, I felt sweaty, my mind was shaking with ideas and worries and monsters. Even breathing proved tiring. I had just received all 5 of my uni offers and, oh my, was it overwhelming.
Because it turned out the other universities really liked salted caramel rainbow sprinkles jam sponge cake too.

((For those you that don't know, in England you choose 5 universities to apply too. If you get accepted you then just choose TWO universities. One as your firm choice (eg the university with the grade requirements that match your predicted grades) and one as your insurance (eg the university that has lower grade requirements than your predicted grades). If you get the grades for your firm choice on results day, you go there. If you don't, you go to your insurance.

BUT if a university really liked your application, they may offer you an unconditional offer if you put them as your firm choice. AKA you could get 3 E's and we would still let you on the course. Somehow, and I really don't know how, I got 4 unconditional offers which now means I must choose which one I go to and put as my firm choice. 

O V E R W H E L M I N G ))

*Disclaimer/ to iron out any misunderstanding* Obviously, I am thrilled with my offers. Ecstatic. But it still feels like an uncomfortable knot that I must try and unravel. Maybe no one else will understand? Maybe some one will? That's okay. This is just me trying to unpick my monsters (that maybe aren't even monsters at all?)

3. The feeling that I should have done more. I'm an adult now. Yesterday evening I abandoned all homework/revision and began frantically designing the cover for a poetry book!? Seriously. I just felt this impulsive need to self publish my poetry IMMEDIATELY like Rupi Kuar did with 'Milk + Honey'.

4. ANXIETY. I had my first panic attack two weeks ago. And it was definitely not fun. Since then I have been on and off ill, missing lessons and spending days in bed feeling like shit. I worry about the feeling, about missing out on life, missing lessons and this in turn makes me feel more ill. My heart trembles and dances angrily in my chest until I cannot focus on anything but the possible impending doom of heart failure.

It just all feels too much. A perverse pressure, an excitement that is manifesting itself in this horrible, persistent nausea. And I'm scared of this monster.

I guess I don't know quite how to dominate it yet.. But when I do, I shall definitely share.

Thank you for reading this mess,

autumn + absences.

Oh dear. In my defence, school has been EXTREMELY work heavy recently. I guess that's predictable when you pick two essay subjects... I don't really have time for a thought-out, meaningful post that won't just come out as a disjointed ramble, so instead enjoy something beautiful autumnal pictures from tumblr. Am very looking forward to photographing again soon...

*Also, don't forget to follow my instagram + snap chat. I update significantly more frequently on there :)*

oh, autumn and a playlist.

we didn't notice the turning leaves, the wind or the bare branches until all at once summer was no longer drifting through our hair but in our memory and then we knew. oh, autumn. 
- a little poem the above pictures inspired me to write

Another playlist. I am so happy and relaxed in my favourite season. Here's to a beautiful, sun lit, darkened, crunchy, fresh, spooky autumn...


of nothing + everything.

of nothing + everything.

I felt compelled to write a blog post. About what exactly... is the question I'm asking myself, right now, as I type this with pyjama bottoms, a messy ponytail and coursework waiting to be written.

Words are very strange and very fascinating. Somehow, what I'm thinking in my messy-messy brain can translate on to paper (or in this case, a computer screen). And then sometimes, somehow, words aren't enough and everything is just very blank and heavy and nothing.

I wrote this a couple of weeks ago when everything felt very jumbled and I was angry, sad, stupefied and very very tired:

I’m a myriad of thoughts, emotions, expressions, laughter, tears and stillness. How can you even begin to unpick what I’m feeling?

And I guess that 'you' could be nothing and everything all at once. Am I making sense? Maybe. It doesn't really matter... sometimes words are meant to be just that- words. 

(I've been studying Hamlet and it appears his soliloquy's are affecting more than I realised- oops). 

Everything is always romanticised. All the emotions. It's all a bit messy- like a jigsaw puzzle being forced together and we're told 'that's just life'. 

And sometimes I want to be completely in-eloquent and sum up everything (and nothing) with 'bleh.' 

So, yes, I feel as though I am at a war with words and feelings and all the little unspoken emotions threaded in between... 

Until next time,

P.S. 201 followers on bloglovin'. Hell yeah! 

spontaneity and a playlist.


My word of the month. So exciting. So s p o n t a n e o u s. Let's act. Just go. Live.

Last Wednesday I did something so utterly spontaneous and so utterly freeing. Meeting a stranger can be incredibly daunting (will they like me? will it be awkward? what happens if we don't connect?) which is exactly why I didn't give myself a chance to feel nervous. I just did.

And now I'm going to just do.

Below are a few snaps of my London adventure with my new Dutch friend Sophie. And some very spontaneous songs to dance around to.  Urgh. I am now entirely in love with spontaneity and quite possibly even more addicted to adventure...

(above was taken on Ciara's 18th... we  slept in this beautiful tent and got a little bit drunk prank calling pizza places like 9 year olds)

All pictures were taken from my instagram (oceanpainter_) Do give the songs a try- they are so inspiring. 

Be spontaneously spontaneous in moments that beg for spontaneity,

(let me know below any post ideas... I've got a few autumn ideas eek)

self + faces.


There's a lot of self in this world, both online and not. Self esteem. Self belief. Self confidence. Yet as our self____  makes us smile,  it tears others down. Whilst their self____ radiates, we doubt ours. It's a vicious cycle and I hate it. I.

Have you ever looked a girl and thought, wow she's beautiful without automatically thinking, wow I'm not. Or wow, she's prettier then me. Hotter than me. Better than me... until you've reduced yourself to a lesser being. I know I have. We are such a critical race and criticise we shall. Everything. Our eyebrow shape, the size of our eyes, lips, skin, hair, teeth. Everything that ticks the box of 'human'. Scrolling through tumblr, I will see picture upon picture of beautiful girls. 'Beautiful'.

And yet they all look different. Beauty is so broad; why the hell can't you fit in to it too? And when I look at these girls I don't feel self belief or self confidence or self esteem. I feel self doubt. The same way every single person behind the camera would feel self doubt at seeing another 'beautiful' face. It's so sad that we can't appreciate beauty without criticising our own. That we can't say you're beautiful without thinking of our self.

I want to challenge us to compliment; to love other beauty and self love our own. Let's bring everyone up (including ourselves). Faces appreciating faces. That- that's beautiful.

As always, replies are welcome.

procrastination + netflix.

I'm a cliche but Netflix. Yes, it may or may not have ruined my school life but Netflix. I've provided a  a little run down of my favourite Netflix adventures. Happy watching (and procrastinating). 

Stranger Things.  I must admit, I was reluctant to start this show. The hype scared me. And yet, obviously, I caved and.... l o v e d i t. It's spooky (but not overly so- I get horrendously scared by horror films and could only watch Harry Potter a few years ago without my head behind a pillow), it's touching and so unbelievably 80's. And the acting. If you like mysteries, plots and, in my opinion, amazing fashion then I highly recommend. 

Gossip Girl.  This was the first Netflix series I ever watched and was d e v o u r e d by me and my best friend. It's intoxicating. Character development, a certain 'ship' which I shall not spoil, and a mystery (of course) is what makes this series so addictive. It's escapism and the Upper East Side is an intriguing place to escape to...

How to get away with murder. I watched this in two days. Honestly, it's unhealthy. It's gripping and hooks you from episode one (trust me). Again, nothing too disturbing (I watched most of this in the dark, alone, at 11pm and survived) but so damn good. You will not want to stop watching. Ever. 
And I now want to be a lawyer. 

Pretty Little Liars Warning: this show will frustrate you. Seven seasons of not knowing is an agonising time and you'll soon find that as each season finale intensifies,  the desperation to KNOW does too. (This know will be apparent in the first episode of season one. Season. One.) That being said, there's something so incredibly addicting about PLL. I am entirely invested in these characters after such an emotional journey (and still going) that it would be cruel to turn off and leave. Definitely a good one to watch with a friend. Lots of very attractive people in Rosewood too...

And then my guilty pleasure. Once Upon A Time.  I can't deny that there are some serious plot holes; the seasons get progressively worse; the CGI is horrific and there are times where I am screaming at the writers.. and yet it still remains my favourite TV series. If OUAT gets you, it gets you. Utterly so. I would go as far to say that it is an obsession. The characterisation (for the most part) is superb and features one of my  favourite actor and actresses, Lana Parrilla and Robert Carlyle. The story line is enchanting, heart felt, clever and so ridiculously captivating. It a series of incredible depth, unspoken subtext and magic. And Swan Queen

Okay, that was fun. Post requests are always welcome.. 